Ok so Jerry Bruckheimer has done it again, maybe i just have a soft spot for his work but we went and saw Deja Vu last night and it was pretty awesome. I knew the plot line, kevin didn't and we don't usually agree on most movies. However we both left happy. This movie includes, Denzel Washington, a little pudgy Val Kilmer, a pretty lady in her bra, and they blow up the canal st. ferry. Save a few really confusing inaccuracies of the New Orleans interstate, it was really neat to see a good film shot in new orleans. They also worked the hurricane into the plot line, which i have to give them props for, considering it interupted the filming and they could have just as easily found new places to film on the Northshore. So Kevin and I give it our thumbs up i.e. it was worth the 7 dollar ticket.