Saturday, June 30, 2007


So kevin's cousin just had a baby. Since i am still in the trying to impress the family stage with his extended family, and because they were all very nice to me when i visited over last Thanksgiving, i decided to knit her a present for the baby. I saw this pattern and thought it was too cute.

So he's kinda funny looking and kevin says his colors make him look like a Koopa but i like him and i think she will to

Monday, June 25, 2007

Little Connie

My dad kept telling me this week about the guy on Britain's Got Talent (but as Dr. Ted pointed out -- not grammer) who sang opera like Povarati and i kept countering with the 6 year old who sang just as well. Anyway figured i'd show my evidence, someone messed up and gave this kid the voice of a 30 year old