Saturday, May 24, 2008


Well as you all know from Dr. Shouldagonetolawschool's blog, it has been pretty busy around here for the last week. Last Saturday was her graduation, when she officially earned her MD MPH & TM...yes she gets that many letters. Much pomp and even some circumstance. Sunday we had a party at Teather's house (thanks you guys!) and it went very well considering all the different personalities we tried shoving into one room together. So that was good. There was this

much crawfish (actually there was twice that much, we made the crawfish man go mid-party and cook some more) and a good time was had by all.

A day later, back in the Thib., we were trying to convince ourselves to be useful and start to pack since we are moving on the 15th of June. That's when the fun started. Apparently, Kevin was walking down the stairs when the kitty decided to chase him. This usually is not a problem, however, on this particular morning the kitty misjudged his trajectory and tripped over kevin's foot. He also disobeyed the famous cats-always-land-on-thier-feet axiom and fell on his side on the corner of the bottom step. Again this wouldn't have been a big deal except the cat started to favor that leg and when kevin picked him up to check on him and touched his leg it went CRUNCH. "Shit..." so we call around to all of the vets in the area and finally get an appointment with our normal vet for a few hours later. He takes an xray and it turns out it is a spiral tib-fib fracture. In other words, the cat has managed to break both of the bones in his bottom leg and because of the nature of the fracture will need surgery to insert a pin. So now, we have a kitty who is 1/4 shorn and not to happy with a wicked set of stitches.

And I still have to find a job and pack the house so we can move!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008


I felt the need to say congrats Dr. Shouldagonetolawschool. Heather has officially finished medical school!!! Nice job, it sucked but it's over now.