Sunday, July 1, 2007

Boys avert your eyes

So i've been asked to post kevin's sweater in progress...Sorry boys i told you not to look...anyway i have all but the last sleeve done

this is it on the ground

This is it on nice to him he's sick and i don't have a program to crop him out of the photo, plus i think it's cute. It's not as see through in person. I was going to post a picture of the stitch pattern but my camera SUCKS ASS.

This is my first wearable FO that fits. I'm really excited. I even installed an "invisible" zipper! Now if we could just fast forward 6 months so he can wear it.


Ted said...

Why will he be able to wear a sweater in six months? Are y'all moving?

RugbyGirlMD said...

they're getting a new a/c unit?

Yankee John said...

When did you stop seeing Kevin and start dating Grizzly Adams?

That is one man secure in his masculinity.

Is Kevin the legendary asassin known only as "El Oso"?

I could keep going, but I'll stop. My lovely bride still hasn't sown up the one inch hole in the sleve of my favorite sweater. But, it's only been 2.5 years.

I sure the sweater will be lovely in person, especially if you can get that Wookie out of it before Kevin gets home.

Ted said...

I feel for you John. Heather dismantled my favorite blanket to make a sweater progress in 3 months now.

Oh, and for the record, Kevin IS a legendary assassin, but he's known only as "El Kevino".

RugbyGirlMD said...

oh, eat the damned blanket. I'll get to it.

Yankee John said...

Could you please explain the blanket to sweater evolution?

I don't remember that in "On the Origin of Species".

Ted said...

The Wife maintains that many cloth things are made of "yarn" and, if they are disassembled into their basic yarn atoms, can then be reassembled into craft projects of whatever nature is desired.

What she failed to mention before unravelling my blanket is the amount of time involved.

Given the Copious Amounts of Free Time (tm) The Wife currently posesses, I'm hoping for my sweater before the next ice age.

Sorry honey. He asked.

RugbyGirlMD said...

Given the likelihood of the Husband moving me to sweater-wearing-country before the next ice age....well, let's just say that I've got all the time in the world before my husband will go cold for want of a sweater.

Ted said...

Besides, Dear, I always have thoughts of you to keep me warm...