Monday, February 2, 2009

I know, I know

So i have been conspicuously absent from my blog recently. Partially because i haven't had anything interesting to write about and partially because i have exactly zero time. So i guess it's update time. DH and I are both doing well, if very busy. As of today DH has started his fourth week in the fire academy. It is kicking his butt but he seems to be enjoying the process and the brotherhood. I have been working ALOT but it's about to get worse. As it stands DH has to leave the house by about 5:30 or 5:45 to get out to the academy on time. For those of you who know me, I don't exist that early in the day. This schedule also means that he is in bed by 8:00 like an old man. Therefore, depending on my schedule at work i get to see him for a couple of hours over dinner or not at all. This are going to begin to get interesting as well this month because along with the ACT class I am teaching at the local-can't-pull-our-heads-out-of-our-asses-high-school. I am also going to begin to drive an hour down to bumfuck to teach an MCAT class two nights a week from 6-9 at my alma mater.
Anyway, enough with the bitching. Last night held a welcome respite from all of this back and forth working and scheduling. We went to DH's fire recruit class Super Bowl Party. We had a blast. I got to meet many of the men he's been working with and I liked all of them. Which was great seeing as how recently i've grown tired of the immaturity of DH's friends. These boys had exactly the right amount of immaturity and boy were they funny. I even got some really great pictures of the festivities.

DH and the boys pigging out before the party even starts

The boy's posing to see who is prettiest.

Tailgaiting, litteraly!

All the boys at the end of the night


Ted said...

2 questions:

1--DH? I'm guessing that doesn't mean Designated Hitter

2--Which one is Loose Booty?

LongStory said...

Haha, DH = dear husband....and loose booty is the one in the orange shirt