Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Does everyone remember the Rodents Of Unusual Size from the princess bride? Of course you do!
They look vaguely like this ugly fucker to our left....well i found out today that they are real! I know i live in B.F.E. swampland but i was driving down the road today and there was a dead nutria on the side of the road that was as big as one of these bad boys...I mean bigger than a telephone pole i swear...For those of you yankees who don't know what a nutria is they are rather large rodents with ORANGE teeth that look like the fellow on our right...I just felt the need to share...I had no idea i was living in the fire swamp!


Yankee John said...

Big ORANGE Teeth? As you wish.

On the other hand, why should I care about two guys pledging NOT to use keyboards?

Seriously, you take me to the strangest places.

MythBusting Pirates tonight. Kari Elizabeth Byron in fishnets and a parrot. Now there's some pirate booty! Arr!

PS - tell you brother his blog is broken. I can't post responses - of course, that may be on purpose....

Yankee John said...

You know, from time to time I make the mistake of clicking on things you suggest or link to.

It is sort of like roullette meets pandora's box. So, I spin the wheel of (mis)fortune and land on the, and I kid you not here, Blue Moon Sock Club Complaint letter. I learned three things:

1. There is thing called a scok club. You pay money for someone to send you a sock. One. Every month. A different sock every month. One MFing sock?(in my best Sam Jackson voice) Maybe it's an offering to the dryer god. Maybe every member is an amputee. Don't ask,they get fiesty - especially if you are a man.

2. Don't mix angry knitters with financial institutions. Not like oil and water, more like blackpowder and open flame. Women with large needles and no sense of humor can be vicious. Don't even ask about String Theory.

3. I really have no number three. Hell, I ran out of funny after "amputee". But a sock club? Seriously? Is really any wonder that the MEN were running the bank?

MelloYello said...

I thought the sock club thing was funny too. Thats one reason why i posted it and secondly, seriously John, you are married, you deal with a woman every day of your life and you didn't know better that to click on something with YARN in the title, come on!