Wednesday, February 7, 2007


You know how you see those bumper stickers that say "I am thankful for the thousands of GOOD priests"? Well that aside you also know those people who really hate doctors? I have never been able to agree with those people because where i have met a few inept doctors in my time, I had never been treated by one. Well today changed all of that. Without going into great and gory detail i had unfortunate luck to be treated by the meanest, angriest, and stupidest doctor i have ever met.

So here is my thank you to all the good doctors out there, and those striving to become compasionate, caring and understanding doctors.

oh and on a completely different note i saw this the other day and thought it would be appreciated.


Yankee John said...

As for the Great Sex, it last all the way until nap time.

RugbyGirlMD said...

3 breaths or less you mean?

Yankee John said...

3 breaths x 2 minutes = 6 minutes
A new record!

Besides, you said you wouldn't tell.

RugbyGirlMD said...

I said nothing of the sort. Which you would have known had you been conscious.